Tag: Agriculture

Pick your Own (PYO)

During my research on my go-to-market strategy I read about quite a few strategies from farmers market, to selling to middle men who then sell to the end-user, direct selling e.t.c. I also read about the Pick Your Own (PYO) strategy. Basically this means that you open your farm up to the public to pick […]

Setting Boundaries

So we headed down to the farm to ensure that the cassava planting had been completed. Well for the most part it was, but there is always room for improvement :-). So we’ve been dealing with the issue of setting clear boundaries for the farm. It appears to us that the boundaries keep moving…ok so […]

Field Trip: In search of data

In October the Commercial Agriculture Developement Project (CADP) worked in collaboration with the Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) to gather data on Rice Farmers in Lagos state. Below are pictures from our field visit at Itoikin. Questions and Answer sessions….. My Boss and I working with the farmers…. Drying the Rice Random pictures… Just […]

Going Pro….

I’ve been away for a while trying to get trained up and build my knowledge on agriculture. I’ll have to do a separate post on my training. Anyway let’s get down to business, like literally 🙂 So I have been doing a lot of talking about the potential of agriculture and the business opportunities that […]

Ofada Rice Harvest Part 2

The team and I headed down to the Rice Farms to see how our farmers were getting along with their harvest. We visited the farm in Itoikin, where mechanized farming is practiced. Below are pictures from the field trip. Click on the pictures to enlarge… Thanks for stopping by 🙂

Farm Mechanization in Nigeria by Gafar Lawal

 Meet Garfar Lawal a colleague and friend of mine. During one of our many conversations in the office he was kind enough to volunteer to do a write-up on Farm Mechanization in Nigeria.  Gafar graduated with a degree in Agriculture Engineering and since graduation has worked in the Agric sector. He is also an active […]

Rice for Jobs

A few weeks ago the team made our way to Badagry to visit some of the farmers on the Rice for Jobs project. The programme was launched by the Lagos state government in 2008 to create jobs for unemployed youths; strengthen local capacity for rice production, achieve a production target of 1,600 tons of paddy […]

Agribusiness – Part 2

Last week Sunday’s post stated ‘The next post will discuss what the report suggests as ways of overcoming these constraints… Here it goes….OVERCOMING CONSTRAINTS: Improving market performance and meeting new standards: To create space for private markets to operate, governments need a predictable, well-defined strategy to complete an orderly transition to market based food systems. […]


I read a fairly recent report published by the World Bank titled Growing Africa: Unlocking the Potential of Agribusiness. It was quite a large document and I think sharing all the information in one post will be a bit too much. In this post I will highlight  the current state, potential, and challenges of the agribusiness […]

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