Category: All things Agriculture

2016 Update

First of all…let me thank you for your patience and let me apologise for the longggg silence. It been a minute and I’ve received some messages asking me why I haven’t updated in longggg time. My pipu it is not my fault the hustle is REAL yo! This year has been all kinds of crazy…first […]

What I learnt in 2015

I’ve being thinking about what my first blog post should be, I’ve started writing and then I stop because I just wasn’t feeling it. Then I come across the caption below on twitter and then I get inspired…I hope you enjoy reading it because I gave it a lot of thought 🙂 It is true […]

From Project to Business

Hey guys! It been a month…yikes!! ~we have been very busy here at NextGen Farms and we are a very small team. I have loads of information to share but I’m going to fast forward to this post….. It’s official we now have our product in the market and we couldn’t have come in at […]

Tomato Nursery Chronicles

Hey guys! So in the first half of this year we have planted 3 sets of tomato and pepper nursery with varying degrees of success.  I really should have blogged about this at least a month ago but the days just roll by so fast. Below is a chronicle of my nursery journey….. I planted […]

Green house set up!

Hey guys! So you got a sneak peek of the green house in the last post and saw a picture of what was going on inside. This post is really about what we had to do to get those pretty looking tomatoes you saw. So just incase you missed the last post, on the left […]

What we’ve been up to….

Hey guys! Being a farmer is not a joke…nevertheless it can be quite interesting. Just thought I’d hit y’all up and let you see what we have been up to at NextGen! The farm-house/admin block and a view of the open field. It’s almost done and we have started using it. Can’t show you the […]

What I know for sure!

Hey guys! Hope everyone has been doing well. For those of you who reached out…many thanks…I’ve been hard at work trying to figure out the art, science and business of farming. I’ll be sure to share what I’ve learnt along the way. So haven spent the whole of Q1 trying to do that I thought […]


A few months ago for the very first time I was on the Asian continent. It was a very long flight and that’s the only part of the trip I didn’t enjoy. Oh yeah I couldn’t visit the Malaysia Agro Exposition Park Serdang (MAEPS) which was supposed to be the highlight of my trip. There […]

Do you want a guide to start and manage your garden?

Here’s a free eBook to get you started!.