Herbs Care

Basil Plant

Basil Plant Care.

This is a basic instruction on how to take care of your Basil plant

  • Water at least once a day depending on the weather condition
  • Water early in the mornings or late in the evening for best result
  • Harvest often to encourage new growth
  • If your basil plants start to flower, the basil leaves will start losing flavor and the plant will stop growing. So therefore, removing the flowers whenever they appear will do the trick and that sweet basil flavor will return in a couple of days. However, when your basil plant is about a year and is old enough, you can allow it to go to flowering and then harvest the seeds from the flowers and plant.
Mint Plant

Mint Plant Care.

  • Mint plant prefer part shade, though you can grow it in full sun if you water it frequently
  • Water mint plant twice a day depending on the weather condition. Upon touch, if the soil feels dry, add water. It is probably best to water the plants in the morning so that they have plenty of moisture by the time the hotter afternoon sun hits.
  • Fertilize the plant every two to three weeks with compost or organic manure
  • Harvest the mint leaves regularly to encourage more growth and also preventing the plant from going to seed
Parsley Plant

Parsley Plant Care.

  • Warning parsley is very prone to root rot so should be watered preferably when the soil is almost dry and the soil should never be water logged
  • Weed regularly. This is because weeds can harbor pest and disease which might in turn affect the plants
  • Fertilize the plant every two to three weeks with compose or organic manure
  • Harvest after every one or two weeks depending on how large the plant is to encourage more growth. To harvest, cut the leaves closest to the soil
  • Cut off any dead leaves to encourahe continual fresh foliage.
Rosemary Plant

Rosemary Plant Care.

  • Water at least once in 3 days depending on the weather condition of your environment. Make sure soil feels dry before watering
  • Fertilize the plant every two to three weeks with compost or organic manure
  • Once the plant is mature enough prune regularly to encourage more growth
  • Make sure your rosemary plants are kept where there is bright light
  • To harvest rosemary, harvest young stem and leaves for the freshest taste. harvest up to a third of the rosemary at any one time. Allow the plant to replace its growth before taking more.
Scent Leaf Plant

Scent Leaf Plant Care.

  • Water the plants at least once per day when they are stilll tender and once every two days when they are more matured
  • You can fertilize the plant three times per month, depending on the soil
  • Remove weeds regularly to prevent pests and diseases
  • Prune out the drying part of the plants or dying branches, so that the plants will regrow healthy branches
  • To varvest, take a small kitchen knife or small scissors, cut some branche on each plant, at least up to 4 or 5 branches that have good number of leaves should be left on each plant.
Kale Plant

Kale Plant Care.

  • Water at least once a day depending on the weather condition
  • Water early in the mornings or late in the evening for best results
  • Fertilize once in 7 - 10 days with compost or compost tea
  • Harvest the kale from the bottom of the stalk upwards, leaving at least four leaves for continuous growth
Spinach Plant

Spinach Plant Care.

  • Water the plants at least once per day when they are still tender and ensure the soil does not dry out completely
  • You can fertilize the plant three times permonth with compost and manure and more regularly with compost tea/organic fertilizer
  • Remove weeds regularly to prevent pests and diseases
  • Prune out the drying part of the plants or dying branches, so that they plants willl regrow healthy branches
  • Harvest a few of the outer leaves from each stem once they reach the desired size. Ensure you leave at least 5 leaves on the plant.
Lemongrass Plant

Lemongrass Plant Care.

  • Water once a day depending on the weather condition. Provide a steady supply of moisture for best growth
  • Fertilize plants every four weeks with manure or compost
  • To harvest, either cut off the leaf blades or cut, twist or break off a stalk that is at least 1/4 inch thick. The most tender part is at the bottom, so remove it as close to the ground as possible. Once you have harvested the number of stalks you want, remove the woody outer portion and the leaves.
  • Harvest the mint leaves regularly to encourage more growth and also preventing the plant from going to seed
Cuban Oregano / Mexican Mint Plant

Cuban Oregano / Mexican Mint Plant Care.

  • Water the plants at least once perday when they are still tender and once every two days when they are more matured
  • You can fertilize the plant once per month, depending on the soil
  • Remove weeds regularly to prevent pests and diseases
  • Prune out drying part of the plants, so that the plants will regrow healthy branches.
  • To harvest, take a small kitchen knife or small scissors, cut some stems or just the leaves as required. Always ensure you have at least 5 leaves on the plant. They are fast growers and will be ready for harvest again within a few days.
Thyme Plant

Thyme Plant Care.

  • Thyme does not like wet soil or being water logged. Water the plants when soil feels dry
  • Fertilize the plant every two to three weeks with compost or manure
  • Weed regularly
  • Prune out the dry or discolored leaves, so that they plants will continue to grow healthy leaves
  • Harvest the thyme by snipping a few stems, however, do not harvest more than one-third of the plant
Corriander Plant

Corriander Plant Care.

  • Water regularly; twice a day depending on the weather condition
  • Weed regularly
  • Fertilize the plant every two to three weeks with compost or organic manure
  • Once plants mature, harvest every two weeks to encourage more growth. To harvest, cut the leaves closest to the soil
  • Prune dead stems regularly and cut off any dead leaves to encourage continual fresh foliage.
Tomato Plant

Tomato Plant Care.

  • Plant your tomato plants deeper than they come in pots, all the way to the top few leaves. When planted this way, tomatoes are able to develop roots all along their stems. And more roots make for a stronger plant
  • Water deeply, regularly and early in the morning and late in the evening depending on weather conditions so that plants have sufficient moisture to make it throughout the day
  • When you transplant tomatoes, add a handful of organic tomato fertilizer or compost to the planting hole
  • Weed regularly. This is because weeds can harbor pest and disease which might in turn affect the plants
  • Fertilize the plant every two to three weeks with compose or organic manure. You can also use compost tea every week
  • After your tomato plants reach about 3 feet tall, remove the leaves from the bottom foot of the stem. These are the oldest leaves, and they are usually the first leaves to develop fungus problem
  • Prune yellowing and deisease infected leaves regularly
  • To harvest, grasp the fruit firmly, but gently, and pull from the plant by holding the stem with one hand and the fruit with the other, breaking the stalk just above the calyx. that has formed to protect the bud.
Habanero Plant

Habanero Plant Care.

  • Water at least once a day depending on the weather condition of your environment. Make sure soil feels dry before watering
  • Fertilize the plant every two to three weeks with compost or organic manure. You can also add compost tea weekly
  • The plant is prone to spider mite attack so ensure you inspect the plants regularly
  • If pest infection is observed, spray with neem oil every 3/4 days till plant recover. Spray very early in the morning or in the evening
  • You can harvest the fruit when it is either green or red. Do not leave rippened pepper on the plant for too long
  • Allow the pepper to grow to a decent size before harvesting
  • To harvest, pluck them off the plant by grabbing the little stem and pulling off gently.
Ugwu Plant

Ugwu Plant Care.

  • Water at least once a day depending on the weather condition. In hot weather, water morning and evening
  • Water early in the mornings or late in the evening for best results
  • Fertilize once in 7-10 days with compost or compost tea
  • Harvest the Ugwu by cutting the stem from the top or harvesting the most matured leaves.
Okra Plant

Okra Plant Care.

  • Water at least once a day depending on the weather condition. In hot weather water morning and evening
  • Water early in the mornings or late in the evening for best results
  • Fertilize once in 7-10 days with compost or compost tea
  • Harvest okra should be done when the pods are 2 to 3 inches (5-8cm) long. If they are left for too long, the pods get hard and woody.
Arugula Plant

Arugula Plant Care.

  • Water at least once a day depending on the weather condition. In hot weather water morning and evening
  • Water early in the mornings or late in the evening for best results
  • Fertilize once in 4-6 weeks with compost and/or once a week with compost tea/organic liquid fertilizer
  • Harvest the leaves when they are at least 3 inches long. Young leaves are tender sweet while older leaves can be tough and bitter
  • Always leave the head of the plant intact.
Shoko Plant

Shoko Plant Care.

  • Water the plants at least once per day when they are still tender and ensure the soil does not dry out completely
  • You can fertilize the plant three times permonth with compost and manure and more regularly with compost tea/organic fertilizer
  • Remove weeds regularly to prevent pests and diseases
  • Prune out the drying part of the plants or dying branches, so that they plants willl regrow healthy branches
  • harvest by cutting off 3/4 inches of the stem depending on the size of the plant. Ensure you don't harvest too much so the plants can continue to grow.
Green Plant

Green Plant Care.

  • Water the plants at least once per day when they are still tender and ensure the soil does not dry out completely
  • You can fertilize the plant three times per month with compost and manure and more regularly with compost tea/organic fertilizer
  • Remove weeds regularly to prevent pests and diseases
  • Prune out the drying part of the plants or dying branches, so that they plants willl regrow healthy branches
  • harvest by cutting off 3/4 inches of the stem depending on the size of the plant. Ensure you don't harvest too much so the plants can continue to regrow.
Sage Plant

Sage Plant Care.

  • Water at least once in 3 days, depending on the weather condition of your environment. However, ensure the soil is completely dry before watering
  • Fertilize the plnet every three weeks with compost or organix manure or weekly with compost tea or organic liquid fertilizer
  • Once the plant is mature enough prune/harvest regularly to encourage more growth
  • Make sure your sage plants are kept where there is bright light or full sun
  • To harvest sage, pinch the leaves closer to the soil to encourage new growth
Swiss Chard Plant

Swiss Chard Plant Care.

  • Water the plants at least once per day or twice a day in very hot weather
  • Fertilize the plant every two to three weeks with compost or manure or weekly with compost tea or organic liquid fertilizer
  • Remove any weed immediately it sprouts. This is because weeds can harbor pest and disease which might in turn affect the plants
  • Prune out the dry or discolored leavea, this helps plants regrow healthy leaves
  • Harvest the Swiss chard by removing outer leaves so that the other leaves can continue to grow
Lettuce Plant

Lettuce Plant Care.

  • Water the plants at least once per day or twice a day in very hot weather
  • Fertilize the plant every two to three weeks with compost or manure
  • Weed regularly
  • Prune out the dry or discolored leaves, so that the plants can regrow healthy leaves
  • Harvest the lettuce by removing outer leaves so that they center leaves can contiue to grow
Celery Plant

Celery Plant Care.

  • Water regularly; twice a day depending on the weather condition
  • Weed regularly
  • Fertilize the plant every two to three weeks with compost or organic manure
  • Once plants mature, harvest every two weeks to encourage more growth. To harvest, cut the leaves closest to the soil
  • Prune dead stems regularly and cut off any dead leaves to encourage continual fresh foliage.
Pineapple Plant

Pineapple Plant Care.

  • Water the plants at least once per day and ensure the soil does not dry out completely
  • You can fertilize the plant three times per month with compost and manure
  • Remove weeds regularly to prevent pests and diseases
  • Should be ready to be harvested in 9 - 12 months when it starts turning yellow
Lavender Plant

Lavender Plant Care.

  • Lavender does not like wet soil and should never be water logged. Water at least once in 3 days, depending on the weather condition of you renvironment. However, ensure the soil is completely dry before watering
  • Fertilisze the plant every three weeks with compost or organic manure or compost tea/organic liquid fertilizer
  • Once the plant is mature enough prune/harvet regularly to encourage more growth
  • Make sure your lavender plants are kept where there is bright light or full sun
  • To harvest lavender, follow the stem down until you reach a junction where two side leaves, new buds, or branches have begun to form. Using small pruning snips or scissors, cut the stem there - Just above the leaves or side branches
Dill Plant

Dill Plant Care.

  • Water the plant at least once per day or twice in very hot weather
  • Fertilize the plant every tow to three weeks with compost or manure or weekly with compost tea or organic liquid fertilizer
  • Weed regularly
  • Prune out the dry or discolored leaves, so that they plants will continue to grow healthy leaves
  • Harvest the Dill by cutting off the stem closest to the soil. Ensure you leave a few stems so the plant can continue to growing
Lemon Balm Plant

Lemon Balm Plant Care.

  • Lemon balm plants prefer part shade
  • Water lemon balm plant twice a day depending on the weather condition. Upon touch, if the soil feels dry, add water. It is best to water the plants in the morning so that they have plenty moisture by the time the hotter afternoon sun hits
  • Fertilize the plant every two to three weeks with compost or organic manure
  • Harvet the lemon balm leaves by snipping leaves from the center stem, in betweek side shoots, to continue encouraging full growth.
Garlic Chives Plant

Garlic Chives Plant Care.

  • Water once a day depending on the weather condition. Provide a steady supply of moisture for best growth - don't let the roots dry out
  • Fertilize plants every four weeks with compost or manure
  • To harvest, cut to the base of the leaves, just above soil level, as the lowest part of leaves are most tender and this promotes new, vigorous growth.
Water Leaf Plant

Water Leaf Plant Care.

  • Water the plants at least once a day or twice a day in very hot weather
  • Fertilize the plant every two to three weeks with compost or manure
  • Remove any weed immediately it sprouts. This is because weeds can harbor pest and disease which might in turn affect the plants
  • Prune out the dry or discolores leaves, so the plants can regrow heathy leaves
  • Harvest the water leaf by removing outer leaves so that the leaves can continue to grow. You can also cut the stem of each plants.

General Plant Care


General care for plants against pest and diseases

Neem Oil

Neem Oil mixture procedure.

  • Add 5ml of neem oil to 1 litre of water, then add 1ml of liquid soap and shake in a spraying bottle
  • Spray once in a week to prevent pest
  • Spray twice a week, when there is an infestation.
  • Once plants mature, harvest every two weeks to encourage more growth. To harvest, cut the leaves closest to the soil
  • Prune dead stems regularly and cut off any dead leaves to encourage continual fresh foliage.

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