Tag: Agribusiness

Tomato Nursery Chronicles

Hey guys! So in the first half of this year we have planted 3 sets of tomato and pepper nursery with varying degrees of success.  I really should have blogged about this at least a month ago but the days just roll by so fast. Below is a chronicle of my nursery journey….. I planted […]

Pick your Own (PYO)

During my research on my go-to-market strategy I read about quite a few strategies from farmers market, to selling to middle men who then sell to the end-user, direct selling e.t.c. I also read about the Pick Your Own (PYO) strategy. Basically this means that you open your farm up to the public to pick […]

Supporting Growth…

Meet Ellen Olafsen, a programme coordinator with infoDev, a global partnership programme in the Financial and Private Sector Development Network of the World Bank Group, which supports entrepreneurs to secure early-stage financing and convene key stakeholders for dialogue and action. © World Bank I read her interview with Spores which I found interesting and decided […]

Agribusiness – Part 2

Last week Sunday’s post stated ‘The next post will discuss what the report suggests as ways of overcoming these constraints… Here it goes….OVERCOMING CONSTRAINTS: Improving market performance and meeting new standards: To create space for private markets to operate, governments need a predictable, well-defined strategy to complete an orderly transition to market based food systems. […]


I read a fairly recent report published by the World Bank titled Growing Africa: Unlocking the Potential of Agribusiness. It was quite a large document and I think sharing all the information in one post will be a bit too much. In this post I will highlight  the current state, potential, and challenges of the agribusiness […]

Africa’s Brave New World -Sean De Cleene

I was listening to one of the local radio stations this morning and they mentioned an interesting fact. They said that a London-based research team has forecasted that in the next 40 to 42 year, Nigeria‘s oil reserves will have dried up. There was an article I read which was written in 2011 that stated […]

Who are the Next Gen African Farmers?

There is a lot of talk about the next generation of farmers. In many ways they will be different from the previous generation. I read a Policy Brief from the Future Agricultures website and it had some interesting facts that I would like to share with you. As at 2010 approximately 70% of Africa’s 1 […]

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