Tag: World Bank

Supporting Growth…

Meet Ellen Olafsen, a programme coordinator with infoDev, a global partnership programme in the Financial and Private Sector Development Network of the World Bank Group, which supports entrepreneurs to secure early-stage financing and convene key stakeholders for dialogue and action. © World Bank I read her interview with Spores which I found interesting and decided […]

Going Pro….

I’ve been away for a while trying to get trained up and build my knowledge on agriculture. I’ll have to do a separate post on my training. Anyway let’s get down to business, like literally 🙂 So I have been doing a lot of talking about the potential of agriculture and the business opportunities that […]

mAgri Challenge

Application Deadline: Aug 15th 2013  infoDev’s Mobile Innovation program, in partnership with Sweden, is proud to announce the mAgri Challenge. Building upon previous World Bank challenges, five teams will be invited to a Mobile Startup Camp in November 2013 for a chance to refine their models and practice pitching their businesses to angel investors. Mobile […]


I read a fairly recent report published by the World Bank titled Growing Africa: Unlocking the Potential of Agribusiness. It was quite a large document and I think sharing all the information in one post will be a bit too much. In this post I will highlight  the current state, potential, and challenges of the agribusiness […]

Field Trip 1 -Rice Value chain

Every once in a while we receive guests either from the World Bank or the Project Head office that like to see first hand what is going on in the farms and hear what our beneficiaries have to say. On this particular trip we had a consultant representing the Head Office. He wanted to visit […]

Interesting Facts

According to the World Bank, growth in the agriculture sector is 2.5 times as effective at reducing poverty as growth in any other sector. According to the World Bank Agriculture is essential for sub-Saharan Africa’s growth and for achieving the Millennium Development Goal of halving poverty by 2015. Agriculture employs 65 – 70% of Africa’s […]

Who are the Next Gen African Farmers?

There is a lot of talk about the next generation of farmers. In many ways they will be different from the previous generation. I read a Policy Brief from the Future Agricultures website and it had some interesting facts that I would like to share with you. As at 2010 approximately 70% of Africa’s 1 […]

Do you want a guide to start and manage your garden?

Here’s a free eBook to get you started!.