mAgri Challenge


mAgri Challenge

Application Deadline: Aug 15th 2013 


infoDev’s Mobile Innovation program, in partnership with Sweden, is proud to announce the mAgri Challenge. Building upon previous World Bank challenges, five teams will be invited to a Mobile Startup Camp in November 2013 for a chance to refine their models and practice pitching their businesses to angel investors.

Mobile innovation in the agricultural sector faces at least two major challenges:

1) While there is a proliferation of mobile apps that provide market information, few of these have been adopted widely across the African continent, making it difficult to achieve scale and profitability.

2) Despite proven benefits of mobile agri apps, the mobile entrepreneurship community and the agribusiness community often suffer from a lack of obvious linkages and ways to collaborate.

The mAgri Challenge is an opportunity to identify entrepreneurs developing innovative mobile agri apps in Africa, and provide them with additional resources to further commercialize their products.

The mAgri Challenge is one of infoDev Mobile’s many initiatives aimed at providing entrepreneurs with tools and expertise to assist in the creation of viable mobile application businesses.

Who Should Apply

We encourage you to apply if you are an entrepreneur:

  • With a mobile business based in Africa,
  • Who has a working prototype of a mobile agriculture application that has growth potential,
  • Who is looking to grow your business both locally and abroad, and
  • Who is interested in innovative business approaches and coaching that could be applied to your business to drive its growth.

How to Apply

To enter the mAgri Challenge for a chance to attend the Mobile Startup Camp, the following must be sent to by August 15th, 11:59PM Eastern Standard Time:

Completed Questionnaire – Completing this questionnaire will also allow your app to be featured in the GSMA’s mAgri Deployment Tracker. 

Pitch Deck: Your business pitch must be submitted in the PowerPoint template provided.  It should not exceed 11 slides, excluding the title slide/cover page.

Prototype Demo: Please upload a 1 minute video to YouTube or Dropbox that demonstrates your product, and include the URL in your submission. In the event that a video cannot be created, screen shots and descriptions (not to exceed 750 words) are permissible.

Five finalists will be invited to attend the Mobile Startup Camp in November.  Economy airfare and accommodations will be provided.

Have questions about the competition or application process? Email them to


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