Tag: Farm

Setting Boundaries

So we headed down to the farm to ensure that the cassava planting had been completed. Well for the most part it was, but there is always room for improvement :-). So we’ve been dealing with the issue of setting clear boundaries for the farm. It appears to us that the boundaries keep moving…ok so […]

Going Pro….

I’ve been away for a while trying to get trained up and build my knowledge on agriculture. I’ll have to do a separate post on my training. Anyway let’s get down to business, like literally 🙂 So I have been doing a lot of talking about the potential of agriculture and the business opportunities that […]

Farm Mechanization in Nigeria by Gafar Lawal

 Meet Garfar Lawal a colleague and friend of mine. During one of our many conversations in the office he was kind enough to volunteer to do a write-up on Farm Mechanization in Nigeria.  Gafar graduated with a degree in Agriculture Engineering and since graduation has worked in the Agric sector. He is also an active […]

Field Trip 2 – Poultry Value chain

Poultry is one of the 3 value chains the project focuses on. We headed down to one of the biggest poultry farms in Lagos. An employee of the farm estimated that they produce about 8000 crates of egg a day and still the supply does not meet the demand. It sounds a bit contradictory because […]

The Journey so Far…

It’s been almost 3 months since I started working in Agriculture. It’s been an awesome experience but not without its challenges. I’ve had to make a lot of changes to my life style and my perception of certain things. It is definitely not as rosy as what I’m used to but I’m truly thankful for […]

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