Field Trip 2 – Poultry Value chain


Field Trip 2 – Poultry Value chain


Poultry is one of the 3 value chains the project focuses on. We headed down to one of the biggest poultry farms in Lagos. An employee of the farm estimated that they produce about 8000 crates of egg a day and still the supply does not meet the demand. It sounds a bit contradictory because I hear a lot of farmers talking about glut in the market. But then again my research on poultry made me realise that there is a serious lack of reliable data on poultry in Nigeria. Nevertheless I will share some of what I found.

IMG-20130417-00078chicks under broodingIMG-20130417-00073 pen house

Setting up a poultry farm is very capital-intensive and expensive and carries quite a number of risks. However it can be very profitable. Family poultry represents approximately 94% of the total poultry keeping and accounts for nearly 4% of the total estimated value of livestock resources in the country. The reason for the prevalence of family poultry is because the conditions for commercial poultry has not yet been met. Conditions such as (i) ability to purchase most inputs such as improved birds, seeds, vaccines, drugs and equipments, (ii) availability of highly skilled manpower, (iii) presence of strict disease control and (iv) existence of national domestic market able to absorb poultry products at attractive prices by consumers with good purchasing power.

IMG-20130417-00074A colleague and I taking a tour of the poultry farm.

When compared to other livestock, poultry has by far, the quickest and highest rate of turnover. Surveys in this country indicate that consumption of poultry meat is gradually outstripping most other kind of meat except beef. It is therefore not surprising that funds invested in poultry production are recouped faster than in any other livestock enterprise.

IMG-20130417-00086Some team members

The government of Nigeria prohibited the importation of Live or Dead Birds including Frozen Poultry. Although this has some benefits, it has also led to smuggling of the products into the country. In spite of the ban, poultry farms are still closing down due to challenges such as increase in interest rates on agriculture loans and high cost of raw materials such as maize and soya, causing low productivity and profit.

IMG-20130417-00094The farm produces their own feedIMG-20130417-00089

Some of the recommended solutions are: government should ensure that poultry farmers have access to single digit interest loans, intensify its efforts to reduce the cost of maize, soya and other feed raw materials which constitute 70 per cent of cost of production, to remove duty on all agricultural inputs imported from abroad that are not being manufactured in Nigeria.

Agriculturist and nutritionist generally agreed that developing the poultry industry in Nigeria is the fastest means of bridging the protein deficiency gap presently prevailing in the country (FAO). For the industry to develop, the government must work closely with all key stakeholders. The next gen African farmers must be able to take a lead role in drafting recommendations for a way forward and also play fundamental roles in its execution.

Thank you for taking time out to read this post.


  • Shade
    June 2, 2013

    This is getting more & more interesting! Next Gen Farmers, do something fast! Are you out there? This is a challenge to all stakeholders too!!!

  • Kofo Durosinmi-Etti
    June 3, 2013

    We are out here and still working. We accept the challenge but the task ahead will require a lot of work and time, nevertheless we will achieve our collective goals!

  • Terrel Ejem
    June 7, 2013

    Okay so, this is making me hungry. Next Gen Farmers, can I get an omelet to go, thank you very much. Back to the matter though, in my view, some kind of collective outreach or awareness program would go a long way. Even with all the hurdles that plague the poultry industry in this country, I’m of the belief that there remains enough room for both existing and new entrants to make gains here. I perceive a significant lack of information and awareness within the industry for these players to leverage. Just my 2cents! Could be wrong.

    • Kofo Durosinmi-Etti
      June 8, 2013

      Lol. Absolutely, there are a number of opportunities that exist within the poultry industry, which is one of the reasons why it is receiving a lot of attention. What is required now is the provision of more training and capacity building within the industry. I found this blog which seemed to have some useful information about starting a poultry farm. It’s just a start.


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