Tag: Agriculture

Thank you!

1000 hits…382 followers later and I thought it only right to thank you for your support and remind you about why we are doing this. From my heart to yours THANK YOU! This blog was started to create a platform for the NextGenAfricanFarmers to dialogue and share ideas. To bring to people’s awareness that there […]

Value Chains in Agriculture

I appreciate that this is a rather long post but please read through to the end. Spores magazine released a special issue titled ‘The rise of the agricultural value chain’. I found this issue very interesting and eye-opening. It echoed some of my thoughts and I have chosen to share some of the contents with […]

Africa’s Brave New World -Sean De Cleene

I was listening to one of the local radio stations this morning and they mentioned an interesting fact. They said that a London-based research team has forecasted that in the next 40 to 42 year, Nigeria‘s oil reserves will have dried up. There was an article I read which was written in 2011 that stated […]

Field Trip 2 – Poultry Value chain

Poultry is one of the 3 value chains the project focuses on. We headed down to one of the biggest poultry farms in Lagos. An employee of the farm estimated that they produce about 8000 crates of egg a day and still the supply does not meet the demand. It sounds a bit contradictory because […]

Field Trip 1 -Rice Value chain

Every once in a while we receive guests either from the World Bank or the Project Head office that like to see first hand what is going on in the farms and hear what our beneficiaries have to say. On this particular trip we had a consultant representing the Head Office. He wanted to visit […]

Interesting Facts

According to the World Bank, growth in the agriculture sector is 2.5 times as effective at reducing poverty as growth in any other sector. According to the World Bank Agriculture is essential for sub-Saharan Africa’s growth and for achieving the Millennium Development Goal of halving poverty by 2015. Agriculture employs 65 – 70% of Africa’s […]

The Journey so Far…

It’s been almost 3 months since I started working in Agriculture. It’s been an awesome experience but not without its challenges. I’ve had to make a lot of changes to my life style and my perception of certain things. It is definitely not as rosy as what I’m used to but I’m truly thankful for […]

Who are the Next Gen African Farmers?

There is a lot of talk about the next generation of farmers. In many ways they will be different from the previous generation. I read a Policy Brief from the Future Agricultures website and it had some interesting facts that I would like to share with you. As at 2010 approximately 70% of Africa’s 1 […]

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