Tag: Nigeria

Field Trip 2 – Poultry Value chain

Poultry is one of the 3 value chains the project focuses on. We headed down to one of the biggest poultry farms in Lagos. An employee of the farm estimated that they produce about 8000 crates of egg a day and still the supply does not meet the demand. It sounds a bit contradictory because […]

Field Trip 1 -Rice Value chain

Every once in a while we receive guests either from the World Bank or the Project Head office that like to see first hand what is going on in the farms and hear what our beneficiaries have to say. On this particular trip we had a consultant representing the Head Office. He wanted to visit […]

NYSC- National Youth Service Corp

Fully kitted in my NYSC uniform It was the photographer that told me to pose that way and he INSISTED, so I had no choice :-)…maybe I did?!  I put the picture up cos it kinda tells the story :-)….moving along… After I launched my blog I was off to camp for my NYSC. In […]

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Here’s a free eBook to get you started!.