Tomato Nursery Chronicles


Tomato Nursery Chronicles

Hey guys! So in the first half of this year we have planted 3 sets of tomato and pepper nursery with varying degrees of success.  I really should have blogged about this at least a month ago but the days just roll by so fast. Below is a chronicle of my nursery journey…..

picture 1I planted tomato nurseries in March, April and May

collage 2So this is a mini tutorial. I used 2 types of nursery media. For the first two I used coco peat and perlite and the third one I used Jardin, it a kind of soil starter mix. On the far left are the trays I used to plant the tomatoes, in the middle is the coco peat and perlite and on the left are the seeds. The variety I planted is called Eva.

collage 3So you start by wetting the trays and you can also wet the nursery media. Fill the tray grooves 3/4 full and make sure that the nursery media is firm within the trays.

collage 4Then you make shallow holes in the middle of the growing media and then gently place the seeds in the middle of the holes. Then cover the seeds.

collage 5Then place the trays on a raised surface. Water should be able to drain from the bottom easily, by placing on a raised surface it improves drainage and reduces the incidence of water logging. Then we irrigate using a knapsack sprayer.

nursery houseThis is where I raised the second and third set of nurseries.

nursery outcomeSo these are the outcomes of the nurseries I raised. The first one was a colossal failure. Look how tiny they are just two days to transplanting. We got far better results the second time, we are wiser now but there was still a lot of room for improvement (85% were successfully transplanted). The third nursery was a huge success (95% were successfully transplanted). Yay us!

nursery 2So when the first set of nursery failed our fellow green house farmers at neighboring farms had extra seedling and were kind enough to give us some. That’s it on the left. You cannot imagine my joy. So about the second nursery, we planted tomatoes and pepper and as you can see from the second picture…well the peppers didn’t do too well. We will try again…

Below are pictures from the third nursery, it starts from when the seeds started germinating to when they were transplanted

11th & 12thI planted the nursery on the 7th of May and they started germinating by the 11th as seen in the pic on the left. By the 12th majority of them had germinated. The variety I planted is Nemoneta. For the first 5 days I irrigated with only water because the seeds had enough food in them. After they germinated I irrigated with a water-soluble fertilizer for 3 days and 1 day of water till they were transplanted, so basically a 3:1 ratio fertilizer for 3 days and water  for 1.

14 - 18.By the 14th the seed leaves had already appeared by the 16th/17th the first set of true leaves had started to appear by the18th they were fully visible

19-22From the 19th to the  22nd there was considerable growth as seen in the pictures

23 - 25It appeared to me that significant growth occurred between the 23rd and 25th as seen in these pictures

26 - 28The final days in the nursery! Whoop whoop! The picture here shows the growth that happened between the 26th and the 28th. Seedling is ready for transplanting after 21 – 28 days.

wateringI irrigate the nursery in the morning before the sun rises and in the evening just after the sun set. There were a few days I forgot or didn’t get home in time. But they survived 🙂

last picThe past few months have had its highs and lows. I found a picture of me thinking about our lows but none celebrating our highs so I decided to use this picture of cousin(which was taken by me 🙂 ) because her gorgeous smile expresses how I felt when things worked out. They might not have gone according to plan but it worked out…

Thanks for stopping by 🙂



  • Oso Yusuf A. A.
    June 9, 2015

    e ku ise. more success to come br God’s grace

  • Rilwan Eko
    June 10, 2015

    More grace to your elbow…agriculture is no yoke

  • Elliot
    June 16, 2015

    Thanks for the expose, many will be encouraged by your openness and desire in success. Agriculture in Nigeria needs the young to thrive and encourage innovation. Way to go gurl!

  • hayatu89
    June 27, 2015

    Reblogged this on Hayatu89's Blog.

  • Adeola Oke
    July 28, 2015

    So proud of you!

  • Kofo Durosinmi-Etti
    August 19, 2015

    I’m glad you asked. The first time we over irrigated and didn’t give it enough nutrition. We made sure this didn’t happen the second time.

  • Admin
    May 3, 2016

    Wow. interesting. I am proud of you, a young and proud frmale farmer.I was researching doing a tomato nursery.Can you advice where I can get the following:1- Perlite2- Vermiculite3- Sphagnum moss (a fungicide)4- Myccorhizae (a bio stimulant)5. Calcium Carbonate (Agricultural Lime)I learnt I need all these by reading across the web in blogs like yours.Thanks in anticipation.Danny

    • Kofo Durosinmi-Etti
      May 9, 2016

      Thank you! I get most of my supplies from Dizengoff and Jubaili. I use taki force from Jubaili for my tomato nursery. But those particular items you have mentioned I don’t use so no idea where you can get them from.

  • Admin
    May 9, 2016

    I re-read your story again and saw you used different starter mix for the nursery.So which mix gave you the best result and where you bought it?I read extensively that the best tomato nursery mix consists of:4 parts screened compost1 part perlite1 part vermiculite2 parts coir (coconut fiber).If I cant get these, I can as well settle for yours.Bravo to you

  • Anifowoshe Nurudeen
    January 27, 2018

    Hello kofo, the reverse ought to have been the case. When I visited your farm I saw it all. Sincerely this tutorial is just amazing. Well done and keep it up.

  • E. Goodluck Uchenna Edoziem
    February 16, 2021

    Beautiful!Well done.Please keep in touch08130536188


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